The time for Rami on 11 th to 13 th Zilhaj starts after Zawal (start of Zuhr time). For these days, crowd is lesser from Asr time. Similar to 1 st day, use the train (or your pathway) to reach Jamart building and throw seven pebbles each to each Jamara , starting from Jamarah Sughra to Jamarah Kubrah. The whole day is available for prayers and reciting Quran. If you have not performed you Tawaf-e-Ziarat, you can move to Haram after Rami. If you like to eat from your Qurbani meat , you can also visit your Hotel (preferably in day time) for cooking/eating and return to Mina for night . Rami for 12 th Zilhaj is similar to that of 11 th Zilhaj. If you like to stay for 13 th , make sure you inform your Maktab people in advance. If you want to leave after 12 th , leave Mina before Maghrib time (after 12 th Zilhaj Rami). After performing Rami on 12 th Zilhaj , either you can walk back to you Hotel (use GPS navigation if available), or r...
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