Jeddah Airport and Hajj Residence - Hajj Guide

After you have performed you Niyat at Meeqaat, keep on reciting Talbeeh. The next destination is Saudi airport (Normally Jeddah). This part is specific to my experience at Jeddah so there may be some difference with your journey.

  1. At Jedday airport you will be taken to a big hall first. All pilgrims will be asked to take out their passport, vaccination cards and blue cards, and keep in their hands.
  2. They will check your passports and vaccination cards. Your passport/Visa is must here.
  3. They will give Polio dose to all pilgrims and ask them to make queue at different counters for immigration.
  4. Immigration staff may be slow / lazy. Just don’t waste your time on blabbing about them and patiently wait for your turn.
  5. They will take your finger prints and a photograph (without glasses). Take your passport and move on to get your luggage from luggage area. (All bags will be placed at a common place, just find yours and move ahead).
  6. Your bags will be checked via machine (and if they ask, manually). Then you’ll be out of Airport building.
  7. You have some free time to purchase different Saudi SIM or activate your SIM provided at local airport.
  8. You will be guided towards area designated for your country. Normally it is the farthest for Asian countries. There are some vehicles available for moving to that area if you can get onto one.
  9. If its prayer time, offer Salah. Wait for the Muallim people to call your flight number. Get free from washroom first as you will not be allowed to get out of bus even if it has not started journey.
  10. Get into line for your designated Bus. Your luggage and passport will be taken by the Muallim people in this queue. Take out your tickets and other cards from passport before handing over (if possible). You’ll need them for arrival (to save time). Make sure your luggage get into same bus as you are getting into.
  11. The bus will now move towards Makkah… keep on reciting talbeeh and sight seeing. Avoid wasting your time on discussing airport hassles.
  12. Your bus will be stopped at 2-3 points by police; they will take their time; so have patience.
  13. As you enter the boundary for Haram, the restrictions for haram area will be ON. The bus will stop at registration area, where you may be provided with some refreshments. Second stop will be Muallim office, where you will be provided wrist bands. Keep them on at all times.
  14. Finally, you will be taken to your residence. Your luggage will be handled by Muallim people till Hotel. Once inside hotel, get your luggage from lobby and move to your room as per list provided at Hotel. 

    Typical Hotel building in Aziziya
  15. Avoid fighting for beds/place. Get your stuff and place it on the available bed in your room. There will be 6-8 beds per room. Other groups will be accommodated with you. So have good relations with them.
  16. Avoid taking beds out of room and to other rooms and making the stay difficult for other room members.
  17. Female pilgrims will have separate room.
  18. All rooms will have a separate washroom, shared with room mates, but there is no restriction on using other washroom on floor.
  19. Keep washroom and your rooms clean. Dining area will be separate, normally at ground or mezzanine floor. Washing area may be separate or inside kitchen. Avoid eating in your rooms unless necessary or allowed by room members.
  20. Don’t rush to perform Umra. First, get some rest. There may be a complimentary meal from Muallim. As per time available and your condition to move, set a schedule for Umra. Buses move from designated areas near Hotels for Haram on continuous day/night basis.
  21. Discuss your schedule with your female counterparts/aged partners before moving for Umra, as first time is a bit tricky. You may be ready for moving but they may need rest.


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